Recognised Mediator Accreditation Body
There are many recognised mediator accreditation bodies (RMABs) and they are required to have certain characteristics in order to achieve and maintain their status.A RMAB can be a professional body, a mediation agency or Centre, a Court or Tribunal, or some other entity.
Becoming a RMAB
Excerpt from the National Mediator Accreditation System (Part IV)
A RMAB must have:
- financial membership of the MSB;
- the capacity and expertise to assess whether training, education, assessment and CPD undertaken by applicants for accreditation or renewal of accreditation meet the respective requirements specified in the Approval Standards;
- the ability to provide or refer members to CPD activities as outlined in Section 3.5 of the Approval Standards;
- a complaints system that meets the Benchmarks for Industry-based Customer Dispute Resolution Schemes, or the ability to refer a complaint to a scheme that has been established by statute;
- sound governance structures, financial viability and appropriate administrative resources;
- sound record-keeping in respect of mediators accredited under the NMAS; and
- at least 10 mediators accredited under the NMAS who are bona fide members, panellists or employees
To submit an application to be a financial member of the Mediator Standards Board, please complete application to become RMAB.
MSB Membership
MSB membership is open to a range of organisations including Registered Mediator Accreditation Bodies, education and training providers, professional membership or service organisations, community or state based mediation services, government agencies and consumer organisations.